I am please to announce that there will be a booth dedicated to The Aidan Has A Posse Foundation at the upcoming David Mann Chopper Fest on Dec 11. Bobby and Elisa Seeger,the folks who keep Indian Larry's Legacy alive,have a son named Aidan. He is a beautiful 7 year old boy with huge blue eyes and a smile that is contagious. He has been diagnosed with a rare brain disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Aidan's Posse was formed to help find a Bone Marrow match for lil Aidan and has since then grown strong. He is currently in the hospital undergoing treatment.
Jennifer, family friends and I will be selling his t-shirts, wristbands and accepting donations on the family's behalf. All of the proceeds raised will go towards the ongoing medical bills. People all over the world are praying for Aidan's recovery and showing support however they can. We are just one branch of people who love and care for the Seeger family. We would like to thank the wonderful staff at the Chopper Fest for donating the vendor spot.
Please take a minute and join his facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/aidanjackseeger/.
For more information about Aidan and his journey at Aidan's Posse.
If you can’t make it and would like to donate, please click here
Together, we can make a difference!
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